Industrial Design is a creative area of expertise focusing on improving and developing products, services, and systems for all the people and users in the world, considering the market requirements and industrial production conditions. Industrial designers, in general, focus on the functionality, producibility, and physical form of a product and play an active role in the entire process of product development. They are determinants within the process, from the stages of market goals, competition strategy, and product planning to the stages of permanent value and experience that a product or service offers to the end-user.

Every object we interact with at the home, office or anywhere else is the product of a design process. An industrial designer makes numerous decisions to improve products and interact with them to enhance life through design. An industrial designer is a specialist who deals with a product considering the possible problems, needs, and expectations to develop innovative solutions through interdisciplinary efforts with many other experts during the process of the development and production of a product, shaping the environment of all the people.

Industrial designers develop and design innovative and value-creating physical, digital or hybrid products and services, which pay regard to the satisfaction of customers and users at the intersection of market dynamics, user needs, companies’ capacity for manufacturing, and objectives. Designers focus on developing cyclical and sustainable products and services through product strategies, user surveys, innovative ideas, production analyses, and product user tests. Industrial design teaches businesses to bring user-focused solutions to complex problems and get planned results to increase their competitive power. Every day, we see another new technology and sociological transformation changing our habits and lifestyles. Therefore, a designer is expected to produce solutions for problems and needs and estimate the future considering these changing lifestyles.

Industrial Design has a comprehensive basis for academic research that focuses on creating different and innovative solutions considering the product and user interaction, markets, competition, sustainability, and human factors, allowing for the production of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of design. Among the featured research areas of Industrial Design are Human Oriented Design, Sustainable Design, Design Thinking, Craft and Design, Product Oriented Innovation, Social Innovation, and Design for Everybody.